Environment Management


Fulfill environmental
responsibility to embed
environmental management
into our day-to-day

Mid/long-term Key Strategic Direction

Minimize environmental impact by establishing an environmental management system
Efficiently use resources in the product manufacturing process
Abide by domestic/overseas environmental regulations and make transparent environmental disclosures
Embed an eco-friendly culture into our corporate DNA by providing employees with environmental training
and raising their environmental awareness Continue with R&D and investment to improve the environmental performance of products

Mid/long-term Key Strategic Direction

  • Recognizing importance
    of the environment and maintaining and improving environmental management systems
  • Documentation of environmental laws and related information and distribution and access to interested person
  • Establishment of environmental policies and goals, and training of employees
  • Realization of social responsibility through the implementation of EMS and environmental preservation

Action plan

  • Establishment of EMS

    Set-up Environmental Management Policy
    Set-up and implementing company-wide environmental goals and detailed action plans
    Identifying and complying with environmental laws and maintaining ISO 14001 certification

  • Consolidate Environmental Management Capabilities

    Conduct environmental training of employees and provide environmental newsletters
    Emergency prevention education and training
    Countermeasures for Environmental accidents and emergencies

  • Cope with Climate change

    Company-wide energy-saving activities
    Activities to reduce emissions according to the cause of Green-house gas emissions
    Research activities to reduce product electricity usage

  • Recycling of waste and prevention of local pollution

    Build waste management processes and utilize reusable packaging materials
    Water quality/air pollutants management and noise reduction activities
    Management of hazardous chemicals and investigation of chemical
    substances in all workplaces