
Sustainability Management Strategy

PHA is keenly aware of the importance of sustainability management to fulfill social responsibility and has declared its company-wide commitment to ESG management and defined five areas of sustainability management to embed sustainability management into its day-to-day operations. We will manage Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in alignment with our approach to sustainability management in each of these areas, and implement ESG improvement tasks at the department level to pursue growth as a sustainable company.

  • 5 Areas of Sustainability Management
  • Innovation Leader in Pursuit of Innovation
  • Environment Leader Caring for the Environment
  • Employee Leader Growing Hand-in-Hand with Employees
  • Community Leader Building Win-Win Partnerships with Stakeholders
  • Governance Leader Recognized for Fairness and Transparency
  • Our Approach
  • Bolster our portfolio and elevate brand value through R&D
  • Advance eco- friendly management by conserving energy and reducing waste
  • Create a corporate culture of happiness to put employees’ human rights and safety first
  • Contribute to a wholesome society through responsible management encompassing partners and local communities
  • Build transparent governance and operate sound governance

Global Initiative

Engaged UN Global Compact

The UN Global Compact encourages companies to participate in the enhancement of sustainability and corporate citizenship by internalizing the 10 principles in the fields of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, which are the core values ​​of the UN Global Compact, in their operations and management strategies. It is the world's largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative that presents practical measures for this purpose.
PHA participated in May 2022 and perform the sustainability management to reflect the UNGC 10 principles.

UN SDGs Activity

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are goals that the United Nations and the international community must achieve from 2016 to 2030 in order to solve the global poverty problem and realize sustainable development.
PHA supports the UN SDGs and aim to become even more proactive in fulfilling our social responsibility.